How to clean the different parts of a gas turbine
ROCHEM Fyrewash Ltd
5-6 Sun Valley Business Park
Winnall Close, Winchester
SO23 0LB
ROCHEM Fyrewash Inc
23707 West Hardy Road
Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to gas turbines; you want to optimise your equipment for maximum output. However, if any part of the system becomes dirty, airflow is reduced and efficiency plummets.
Fortunately, maintaining a clean turbine is not that difficult; you just need to understand the dirt you’re dealing with and get the right equipment in place. So, let’s look at the different parts of a and how to keep them spick and span…
Let’s recap the basic structure of a gas turbine:
There is potential for any/all of these parts to become fouled, interrupting airflow and reducing efficiency. Even minor contamination has an impact that should not be underestimated.
You may be surprised to learn of all the many ways foulants can enter and adhere to the different parts of a gas turbine. Here are just a few examples:
Once foulants are present, they immediately start .
Some level of is inevitable but that doesn’t mean you can ignore it. Leaving contaminants to build up within a gas turbine has many effects, some more drastic than others:
Fortunately, most foulants can be removed from a gas turbine, and extending the life of the whole system.
Correct cleaning chemical selection allows the user to target specific foulants and/or remain mindful of environmental considerations. E.g. The includes products which are designed for heavy fouling in industrial areas and others which are specifically biodegradable and perfect for offshore use.
When the gas turbine is shut down, the compressor can be cleaned with detergent and deionised water by injecting the cleaning solution into the compressor.
It is also possible (and sensible) to carry out regular online washing of the gas turbine compressor. This process is carried out during normal operation by injecting atomised cleaning solution followed by rinsing.
can be manually used on smaller parts of the compressor during an offline wash.
The task of introducing or improving cleaning measures can seem daunting, but we’re here to help. At Rochem, we have been in the business for over 40 years. We help customers understand the kinds of contaminants they’re facing and the level of fouling already present. By doing this we can suggest what equipment and specialist cleaning chemicals are best for them.
Our equipment and cleaning chemicals are ideal for both . We can help in the selection, installation, and staff training, ensuring every customer is competent and confident as they reap the rewards of effective, cost-efficient cleaning products.
So, where do you start? Just give us a call!
Our knowledgeable and professional team are here to answer all your questions and discuss how we can help at your gas turbine site. If you want to tackle contaminants, boost efficiency, and protect your profits, please .
Post written by Martin Howarth
An extensive knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering together with hands on experience with gas turbines provides a bedrock for his work at Rochem.