Do you know what goes into your gas turbine?
ROCHEM Fyrewash Ltd
5-6 Sun Valley Business Park
Winnall Close, Winchester
SO23 0LB
ROCHEM Fyrewash Inc
23707 West Hardy Road
Do you know what goes on inside your gas turbine, or how and where foulants are accumulating?
gives you an invaluable view of its delicate inner workings. Keep an eye on your turbine to monitor cleanliness and working order, and take action before problems arise.
When you install an observation window on your turbine, you take the guesswork out of .
This puts you one step ahead as you can either confidently implement a solution without dismantling the turbine or fully prepare for the issue once your engineers get access.
The ability to visually assess these things saves money on manpower and potential downtime.
A build-up of foulants within your gas turbine has a detrimental effect on performance.
Unfortunately, as foulants will always find their way into the system.
They can be intentionally introduced, such as essential lubricants, or enter via the air e.g.:
However the foulants get there, and the extreme heat and pressure of the compressor accelerate their build-up.
As the foulants accumulate, airflow is interrupted which in turn reduces efficiency and increases costs.
Eventually, foulants can reach dangerous levels, necessitating unscheduled shutdowns to avoid serious damage.
Our turbine observation window gives visual access to the inner workings of your turbine.
You can monitor the build-up of foulants and take action if required.
On-line compressor cleaning is a fantastic way of cleaning your turbine without the need to shut the system down.
Once the cleaning system is installed, it sprays atomised water/water and detergent into the compressor during normal use.
Foulants are effectively dislodged, dissolved, and washed away to keep your system running safely and efficiently.
Pairing the turbine observation window with the allows you to keep an eye on progress.
You are able to watch as the wash is carried out, observe the spray pattern, and monitor cleaning results.
Rochem’s on-line cleaning system and the observation window can be retrofitted to most turbines.
If you’d like to find out more about either, don’t hesitate to Our team would be happy to discuss your individual requirements.
Post written by Martin Howarth
An extensive knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering together with hands on experience with gas turbines provides a bedrock for his work at Rochem.