10 myths about gas turbine cleaning chemicals
ROCHEM Fyrewash Ltd
5-6 Sun Valley Business Park
Winnall Close, Winchester
SO23 0LB
ROCHEM Fyrewash Inc
23707 West Hardy Road
Industrial gas turbine operators around the world share a common trio of goals: efficiency, reliability and profitability.
Many have discovered that one of the ways to achieve these goals is with effective .
Unfortunately, there are a few myths about preventing some owners from achieving the full benefits of these highly specialised products.
With , we are going to bust the top ten gas turbine cleaning myths and ensure you get the most from your turbine with cost-effective cleaning. Let’s review…
This is false if you use suitable chemicals. Just like you wouldn’t add bleach to a dark clothes wash; acidic cleaner on your granite worktop nor wash your car with a scouring sponge - it’s all about selecting the correct specialty product designed for the situation. Our without damaging or degrading the gas turbines/compressors they are cleaning.
False. It is thought that if you’re using clean fuel, then there’s no residue or to worry about. Whilst it is true that clean fuel may reduce the problem, foulants still inevitably enter the compressor/turbine via the air inlet.
Even with an air-filtration system in place, it is impossible to remove every particle of airborne pollution, pollen, salt, etc. Other sources of foulants include hydrocarbons, lubricants, minerals in cleaning water, and internal erosion.
Under the high pressure and temperature of the gas turbine/compressor, these uninvited particles can become ‘baked’ onto delicate components, and this is why cleaning chemicals are still necessary regardless of the fuel quality being used.
False. Water is better than nothing. De-mineralised water is better still. But neither of these options are a complete substitute for cleaning with specialist . When you use the correct product, you aren’t simply relying on the mechanical action of cleaning but are also deploying a product that will target a broad range of contaminants, e.g., oily deposits and salts. Our are designed specifically to take as well as internal – we can help advise on which to use.
A further benefit is that you will notice enhanced flushing with the right chemicals. Water alone will often redeposit contaminants, but chemical cleaners will flush them through without leaving a residue.
False. Gas turbine cleaning chemicals do require proper handling and considerate disposal, but this is also true of wastewater from your daily shower and the residual shower products within it. Be mindful of your environment and adhere to local legislation on proper waste disposal.
If your gas turbine is in a particularly sensitive environment, e.g., an offshore oil rig, there are specialist chemicals designed for that exact purpose. , for example, is highly biodegradable and ideal for marine environments.
False. Like many gas turbine cleaning myths, when the correct products are chosen, the opposite is true. Frequent cleaning - the real culprits. Left unchecked, they can cause erosion, corrosion, and even lead to turbine failure.
False. Regular cleaning with specialised chemicals is ideal for preventing major issues! Keep your gas turbine compressor clean, and productive by making use of daily on-line washes with off-line washes conducted e.g. monthly. The same chemicals can be used for all washes and will prolong the cleanliness and the lifespan of your equipment.
False. It’s essential to choose a specialist product for gas turbine compressors to avoid damage to your equipment and ensure the best results. There is then a further choice: in alone, we have several different products designed for different environments. , for example, is a great choice for heavy fouling and/or locations that suffer from airborne pollution, whereas is perfect for marine environments.
These products have different names for a reason. Each one has been specifically designed by our chemists to consider both the types of fouling and the environmental factors that may be influencing them. This is how we create our superior chemical cleaners.
We are always happy to talk through the options and help you select the right chemical for your site.
False. We can’t speak for all suppliers here, but Rochem FYREWASH® chemicals are extremely cost-effective when used regularly and as we recommend – even daily in washes.
Cost savings are in:
Rest assured, these points cover the of the cleaning chemicals and any associated hardware many times over. can be used for both , reducing the number of chemicals needed, and we also supply our products in a concentrated solution to reduce your shipping costs even further.
False. In these , foulants can be even more likely to adhere to the compressor blades, so timely removal through frequent washing is essential so that they don’t build up to damaging levels. We can help you choose an appropriate cleaning chemical and advise on a cleaning schedule to suit your compressor’s environment.
False. Introducing a new product to a work environment can be simple and easy when you have the right support. We offer expert advice to ensure that using FYREWASH® chemicals is a simple process. Each chemical comes with clear instructions, diluting ratios and our team are available to answer your questions.
We also have supporting hardware/systems available: that can be automated, (that deliver the chemicals at the perfect droplet size/spray pattern for thorough wetting and effective cleaning), (for preventing blockages) and even (for visibility of inner workings/performance of gas turbine/compressor).
Go to our for more information.
At Rochem FYREWASH®, we have been in this industry for decades. We’ve heard the gas turbine cleaning myths and are delighted that our products debunk them.
We are proud that our FYREWASH® range delivers cost-efficiency and effectiveness to the thousands of our customers around the world. So, if you have any questions about our products or have heard any myths of your own, please . Our team of experts would love to hear from you.
Post written by Martin Howarth
An extensive knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering together with hands on experience with gas turbines provides a bedrock for his work at Rochem.